Monday, April 18, 2016

i got my foam so i will start fabrication of the hand

for the left arm i plan to fabricate the bioorganic parts out of EVA foam covered in plastidip. as such tomorrow i plan to start a series of fabrication and experimentation. as well as use a combination of wire and rivits to build the fingers.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

It actually works!

I didn't expect this to go so smoothly, but it works. Sound engineering next.

Xbox recycled parts

I took apart my old Xbox power chord to give my amp the 12v it needs,and it worked! Now I can use my car Subs indoor so you can feel the music

Monday, April 4, 2016

Storyboard thumbnails

I have been working on storyboard thumbnails for my animated short film, this is one of many pages. These are small, quick sketches of the sequence of shots in the film, with some indicators  to show what character or object is moving. I also note what camera moves are being used (but not on this particular page). The point here is not to make nice drawings, but to figure out how the shots work in sequence without wasting time on details of the backgrounds, props, etc. Especially at first I found it very hard to resist adding unnecessary details. The finished storyboard will be cleaned up and the characters should be closer to the final designs.
I have been using the black light paint in different ways on my model with drawing and what not, and working on finding the best editing process.

Monday, March 28, 2016

I am beginning my construction process for my final exhibition juuuuust around the corner. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, my plan is three window-like large panels that will hang from the ceiling. From there I will arrange them in a style of a bay window and display my photos on these panels, all around the same size (around 4x6"). I am shooting to also add some individual hanging photos (like the ideas Michael showed me in class) to perhaps mock some flowing curtains, but this idea still needs a bit more development.

I assembled a small mockup in my studio of my plan from the leftover pieces of foam board I had so thus far, this (with the addition of photographs) will be my overall plan for the BFA show. Spent a lot of time tonight printing so tomorrow and the rest of the week I will be planning out photos and hopefully have a panel or two completed by the end of the week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Character Design Beginning

Here are some progress shots on a digital painting of one of my character designs. I am trying to treat the digital painting in the same way I would approach an oil painting, with strokes of color on a single layer.

This character has given me a lot of trouble, resisting my attempts to design her in a character sheet or a 360 degree lineup sheet. She became too restricted, with my original design not showing the strength of will and wildness that embodies her. In letting go of my strict self-imposed guidelines, I am able to begin drawing her in a way that sets her free as well.

The blue dress made my character look to similar to Merida from Brave, so I changed the color to a deep green.